Lyrics Rewrite Generator

How to rewrite your exisiting lyrics

We get it, you came up with some lyrics in the shower or on your morning commute but you feel something is not right or missing.

Here's how you can improve and rewrite your lyrics to make them into best-selling song lyrics with our Lyrics Rewriter:

  • Enter your existing lyrics in the first field (no matter how little or unstructured)
  • Optionally, enter what you would like changed or improved in the second field, or just leave it blank for general improvement to make them into a best-selling song
  • Pro tip: in the second field, you can tell it to make them sound like one of your favorite artists like Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and more.
  • Click the Rewrite Lyrics button and watch the AI output your unique, beautiful and best selling lyrics in seconds

Remember, you can input any lyrics, no matter how much you got, our fine-tuned AI for song writing will turn them into a masterpiece for you in seconds.

So don't let anything stop you: go on, rewrite your song lyrics with our fine-tuned AI, add your personal touch and... wow your audience, family and friends!

PS: We are always looking for feedback, so if you have any feature requests or suggestions, please use the Feedback link in the bottom left corner of the screen, we read all the feedback.

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